From 2023, the Yearbook of Psychology will publish three issues per year.
Manuscript submission deadlines:
For the first issue, articles are accepted until the end of May.
For the second issue, doctoral and student manuscripts are accepted until the end of September. In the second issue, articles are published only by doctoral students and distinguished students who participated in the traditional doctoral scientific session, which takes place every year in May.
For the third issue, articles are accepted until the end of December.
The views expressed in the papers are their authors“ responsibility. Each manuscript submitted for publication is subject to review by Turnitin’s iThenticate program. If there are any similarities with other authors’ works of more than 20%, the manuscript is not subject neither to editing nor to re-examination and is not published.
The manuscript must be presented in A4
Author’s / (s’) name in Latin, Times New Roman 11, Bold, Left aligned. Author`s affiliation. Email:
Abstract: Times New Roman 10, Italic, Justify – It should be a brief summary of the significant items of the main paper. It should mention the techniques used without going into methodological detail and summarize the most important results and conclusions. It should not contain literature citations and abbreviations. Remember that the Abstract is what the browsing reader first consults. A comprehensive and well-written abstract will attract a reader to consult the full paper. An abstract should not normally exceed 250 words.
Keywords: Times New Roman 10, Italic, Justify (no more than 7 words placed in alphabetical order, lowercase)
Manuscripts of the “Research Article” type should contain the following parts:
Introduction to the research problem
Statistical methods
Limitations of the study
Page layout:
– Top 2 cm
– Bottom 2 cm
– Left 2 cm
– Right 2 cm
Line Spacing – single
Size – A4
Font – Times New Roman
Font Size – 11
Charts must be compatible with Microsoft Word
Tables must be compatible with Microsoft Word
The title of the table must be centered and written in Italic. The table must be centered. The text in the table should be Font Times New Roman, Font size 10. For example:
Table 1. Title of the table
category | ||||||
References must be cited in the text mentioning the last name
of the author and year within parentheses:
- (Mavrodiev, 2008)
- (Jung, 1991; Stoyanova, 2010)
- (Jung & Chodorow, 1997)
- (Stoitsova, 1994, pp.16-17)
- (Stoitsova, 1994, p.16)
References section:
At the end of the article, in the References section, the literature should be arranged in alphabetical order. The year of the article is mandatory within parentheses and follows the name (s) of the author (s). The list of cited literature and names of authors quoted in the text must be written in Latin. The title of the book should be written in Italic after the parentheses (which present the year of the article). If the original source is not in English, the title should be written in Latin letters, and the translation of the title into English should be within square parentheses; in the case of a book followed by the city and the publisher. The name of a journal should be written in Italic, followed by the volume, the issue, the pages, and in the case of an online journal – doi.
Font size for the references: Times New Roman 11.
Formatting of the References should follow the examples provided below:
Jung, C. G. (1973). Synchronicity: An acausal connecting principle (2nd ed.). Princeton University Press.
Jung, C. G., & Chodorow, J. (1997). Jung on active imagination. Princeton University Press.
Jung, C. G., Wagner, S., Wagner, G., & Van der Post, L. (1990). The World within C. G. Jung in his own words. [videorecording]. Kino International: Dist. by Insight Media.
Mavrodiev, S. M. (2008). Osnovi na psihologiata [Basics of psychology]. SWU Publishing House “Neofit Rilski“.
Taormina, R. J. (2015). Adult Personal Resilience: A New Theory, New Measure, and Practical Implications. Psychological Thought, 8(1), 35-46. doi:10.5964/psyct.v8i1.126